Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Democratic position of Open Borders and benefits for illegal aliens is the IMMORAL Position

Why those advocating open borders and benefits for illegal immigrants  I hear rabbis saying the Bible says love the stranger, so we need open borders. Here's why they're wrong
1. Our country is the most generous country in the world for legal immigration. Every country has a right to determine who comes in. If we want more immigrants, we can increase the LEGAL number.
2. There are people trying to enter the United States who are dangerous and up to no good. Terrorists, drug peddlers, sex traffickers, gang members, criminals. Children must be checked at border to make sure they are not being trafficked.
3. The Torah is a book of laws. 613 commandments. It is not a book of lawlessness. one of the fundamental principles of Judaism and how to get along in a civil society is called Dina dimalchuta Dina. Which means the civil law of the land is the law and Jews must obey it. Advocating lawlessness is a violation of Judaism. One of the main focuses of the Prophets is the demand for Justice. Micah: "what does God want from you? Justice..." Hosea "I will be betrothed to you with justice",. Amos "let justice roll down like the waters." Abraham in genesis 18:19 "why did God call you, so you and tour descendants can do justice." Favoring illegals over legals is UNJUST and a violation of Judaism. "One law for israelite and stranger alike." The main area where it is forbidden to show mercy is in favoring one litigant over another, instead of the law.
4. Providing benefits and encouragement for people to violate the laws of our nation, is disrespectful to our law-abiding citizens and doubly disrespectful to the immigrants who came in legally.
5. We do not have room for everyone in the world. Citizen should stay in their countries and work to model their countries after our free enterprise democracy. instead our Democratic candidates for president are trying to turn us into the failed socialist Nations from which the illegal immigrants are trying to escape.
6. Who should have priority? Those who desperately need asylum from tyrants, and people with skills needed here.

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