socialism and capitalism. Jews have always thrived under capitalism. Jews have
always suffered under socialism. Capitalism is the only system that lifts
people out of poverty and raises the living standards for everyone. Socialism
makes everyone poor. Nations.
Nikki on the dangers of socialism.…/this-is-no-time-to-go-wobbly-on-capit…
“But I saw something different during my time as ambassador to the U.N….. More than 1.5 billion people still suffer under socialist regimes. Socialism is the dangerous proposition that government should control more of your life, including your property, your money and even your religion. From North Korea to China to Venezuela, socialism results in hunger, poverty and misery. It destroys communities, represses religion and crushes freedom….An entire generation of American adults are too young to remember the suffering socialism caused during the 20th century. Collective historical ignorance is becoming a real threat. Those of us who remember have a responsibility to educate young Americans about the poverty and tyranny that inevitably follows socialism….The better answer is to double down on capitalism. President Trump has done that. Unemployment is at a 50-year low. Wages are rising at the fastest rate in a decade. Welfare is shrinking. Millions of Americans have found good new jobs. The stock market boom is helping millions of retirees. It’s time to embrace capitalism, not abandon the values that make America the envy of the world.”
Ms. Haley served as governor of South Carolina, 2011-17, and U.S. ambassador to the
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