Bernie Sanders, Leninist Tool/self hating anti-Semite

Radical, anti-Israel, tyrant loving, Closet Communist Bernie, must not become POTUS!!!  /
About 10% of the voters are up in the air come election day. We must persuade THEM. Here’s how.
1.     He’s a full-fledged Marxist communist, but he’s hiding it.  
a.     Only 45% say they would vote for a socialist.
b.     Bernie is WORSE.  He seemingly loves every left-wing tyrant and brutal dictator he knows about.  Praises Castro’s Cuba even though he tortured and killed thousands. China,(Mao let 50 million of his own  die) Russia (Stalin Mao let 50 million of his own  die). Venezuela-they are eating their zoo animals.
c.      Even if he were “just” a socialist, Socialism has FAILED wherever tried.  It has ALWAYS led to mass murder, mass poverty and suffering. Every nation that has gone from capitalism to socialism has suffered terribly.
d.     The Scandinavian nations are NOT socialists.
e.     E. Jews have always prospered under capitalism, suffered under socialism.
g.     Imagine how electing a Jewish communist will massively increase anti-Semitism in this country.

2.     His ruinous ideas
a.     The Trump successes have given us growth, (with the benefits going mostly to the working man) record low unemployment, reduced poverty, no more race riots. WHY CHANGE?
b.     His fantasy free giveaways will cost $80 TRILLION. He needs fantasy money trees to pay for it, even with massive tax hikes. The total GDP of the USA is $20 trillion!!!
c.      His green new deal will take away our cars, planes and housing even as he flies first class, travels by limo and owns 3 homes.
d.      PROMISES to raise taxes on the middle class
e.     and forcibly confiscate the private health plans of 180 million Americans. (support for Medicare for all drops when people hear that)
f.       Taxing the rich sounds nice, BUT that kills the golden goose. That’s where our growth comes from. Trumpeconomics has led to SHRINKING wealth gap! + we ALREADY have the most progressive tax system in the world.
g.     Illegal Immigration: He has embraced open borders, Abolishing ICE, free aid to illegals. USA is the most generous nation on earth regarding immigrants, but he is embracing lawlessness. His policies will lead to massive increases in sex trafficking, drugs, violent gangs, disease and terrorists coming in.
h.     Dems NEED Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania growth depends on FRACKING. He pledges to stop it.
i.       Florida is key and Bernie has alienated the Cuban immigrants
j.       Social Issues: He pledges to confiscate guns, even though he travels with armed guards.
k.     He is for no limits on abortion, including let babies BORN ALIVE die after botched abortion.
3.     SANDERS SLANDERS his own people.
Anti-JEWISH but pro Muslim terrorist:
a. he calls the Israeli government “racist”. (answer: Israel is the ONLY non-racist nation in the Middle East and one of the freest in the world. It is the only country in the entire Arab Muslim world where Jews, Christians, Moslems, women, gays are free. Sanders’ anti-Semittc, self-hating lies are SLANDERS.
b. Boycotts Aipac, calling it “bigoted.”
d. Wants to reenter Iran deal.

e. Wants to reverse Jerusalem as capital move. 

 Bernie Sanders Legitimizes Antisemitism; Calls Jew-Hating Omar "One of the Greatest People I know"
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levinson, Esq. released the following statement.

ZOA strongly condemns Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont for helping to legitimize and mainstream Jew hatred and Israelophobia by egregiously calling anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) “One of the greatest people I know.” Sanders proclaimed this at a pro-Sanders rally in Minnesota.
It is truly horrifying that Sanders would profusely praise Omar who has said:

  1. The Jewish state is evil.
  2. Jews have hypnotized the world to support Israel.
  3. Jewish money (Benjamin’s) is what buys support for the Jewish State.
  4. Israel is an apartheid State.
  5. She compared boycotting Israel to boycotting Nazi Germany.
  6. She stated those supporting Israel are showing allegiance to a foreign country.
  7. She condemns boycotting Cuba, Venezuela and Iran but supports boycotting Israel.
  8. Compares South Africa to Israel.
  9. She urged a judge to show compassion to convicted ISIS terrorists.
10.  She refused to answer when asked if she supports Al-Qaeda.

Senator Sanders also has hired other Jew-hating Israelophobes to be official surrogates for him, including Linda Sarsour and Amer Zahr.

ZOA urges Senator Sanders to retract his ludicrous praise of Rep. Omar.

ZOA also urges other Jewish leaders, Rabbis and non-Jewish leaders to publicly criticize Sanders for his dangerous praise of a dangerous anti-Semite. 

This "useful idiot" of cultural communism who professes to be a proud Jew could not see fit to use his political capital with his soviet friends to help his fellow Jews. He could have taken a side trip to the Kremlin while on his honeymoon. While he is an idiot he is not ignorant. Surely, he remembers Stalin's last murderous purge of his house Jews (see enclosed).
 The antisemitism of the Soviet Union and its support for wars to annihilate Israel is front page history:  Jews who support Bernie Sanders must be self-loathing Jews. Could it be that Sanders' attempt to salve his loathing of his origin and heritage is by professing simultaneous identification with Judaism  and rejection of Jews? 
Contmplating a communist in the White House who has no shame for his excuses and rationalizations for the political murders of Cuba, not to mention its myriad human rights abuses and impoverishment of that once prosperous country, and the elected dictatorship of once-rich Venezuela,
He has been the water bearer for international communism his entire life. And now historically blind Americans would put him in the White House. It would be a shame if American Jews don't expose Sanders for what he really is.

      Larry Greenberg

By Jonathan Tobin

Published Feb. 28, 2020
Where was Bernie when Americans fought for Soviet Jewry?
Now that he's the frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders is finally being asked some tough questions about what it means to be a Socialist in 2020. But a key part of that query is not just a matter of economics. It also involves understanding his views about the world. Which is what led him to engage in some heavy-duty rationalizing for the Communist dictatorship in Cuba when asked about the subject in an interview this past week on "60 Minutes."
His unwillingness to unequivocally condemn the Castro regime is hardly surprising. Sanders has been a fan of the Communist government of that tortured island since he was a young man. His support for left-wing, revolutionary anti-American regimes around the globe was a hallmark of his activist past.
The Cold War may have ended more than 30 years ago, but no matter how you slice it, the senator's comments about Cuba, Sandinista-ruled Nicaragua or even the Soviet Union don't age well. It's never a good look for a would-be commander-in-chief to have been a fan of America's enemies.
But, as his supporters say, why does this ancient history matter? We are living in a different world than the one that existed before the fall of the Berlin Wall. So while Cuban exiles are understandably up in arms about Sanders's reflexive defense of Castro's supposed improvements of Cuban life — and his claim that improved literacy rates were praiseworthy when all anyone there was allowed to read was Communist propaganda — there are more important issues at hand.
Yet understanding the man who could be the next president also requires placing him in the context of 20th-century Jewish thought. Despite his recent decision to talk about being proud of his Jewishness after largely ignoring that element of his identity during his decades in public life, Sanders's love affair with Socialism marks him as reflecting a leftist mindset that was embraced by many Jews in this period. Utopian and universalist philosophies were seen as offering an answer to the Jewish dilemma of perpetual victimhood.

Jewish Socialists thought that problem would be solved not by allowing Jews to gain the power to defend themselves in their own land, as Zionists believed. Rather, they thought the answer was transforming the entire world into a place where no one would suffer through the wonders wrought by collective economics and the dictatorship of the people.
Those who treat this subject as a grand romance to be only viewed through the prism of idealism and high hopes often forget the cost of those utopian dreams. As the authoritative history of the subject, The Black Book of Communism notes, Socialist regimes and movements were responsible for the deaths of approximately 94 million people in the 20th century. But in a country where history is devalued as a subject of study and little understood even when it is taught, it's not surprising that now that a generation has passed since the collapse of the Soviet Union and its main satellites (Cuba being one of the last totalitarian holdouts), support for Socialism is making something of a comeback under Sanders's banner.
Seen from the point of view of the Sanders campaign, the history of Socialism needs to be — to steal a phrase from George Orwell, one of that movement's most perceptive critics — tossed "down the memory hole." And with Sanders insisting that his version of "Democratic Socialism" has nothing to do with the record of the oppressive regimes that he once supported, most observers think they have a point.
Yet there is one element of this airbrushing of the past that those who dismiss concerns about Sanders ought to consider.
Sanders asks us to trust him with American foreign policy, and in particular, the Middle East peace process because, he claims, he is an advocate for both Israelis and Palestinians. He is now using his identity as a Jew to dismiss charges that he doesn't care about the survival of the one Jewish state on the planet or the accusations that his embrace of anti-Semites like Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), and activists like campaign surrogate Linda Sarsour, ought to be disqualifying.
But there is one element to his past record that speaks to whether he deserves that trust.

Cold War controversies seem irrelevant today. But it's worth asking why, when most American Jews were demanding freedom for Soviet Jewry and denouncing the anti-Semitic nature of the Communist regime, Bernie Sanders was not there. While Jews who cared about the fate of their brethren were demonstrating in the streets about Soviet tyranny and advocating for Prisoners of Zion, Sanders was denouncing American foreign policy aimed at pressuring his Russian friends.
When some heroic Jews went to Russian to aid oppressed Jews and other dissidents, Sanders was traveling the world proclaiming his sympathy with Soviet allies and then honeymooning in the Socialist Motherland itself.
He may now depict himself as a champion of the underdog. But by the time Sanders became a public figure in the 1980s, the ideological romance of Socialism was long over, and all that was left was a struggle against tyranny in which his sympathies lay with the tyrants whom he imagined deserved support in their fight against American imperialism. There is no available evidence that he ever lifted a finger to fight for Soviet Jews.
We may not care today about the politics of the 1960s in which Sanders's identity was forged; however, the struggle for Soviet Jewry was the great Jewish moral test of the subsequent decades, and it is one he failed. If he asks us to trust him now to ensure that the 7 million Jews of Israel are not endangered by his policies, it's worth asking why he once thought defending Socialism was more important than the fate of millions of Soviet Jews. That is a question of morality, not ancient history.


Bernie is a tyrant and terrorist lover, Israel hater and proponent of lala land economics.

Who is the most dangerous man in the world today? Bernie Sanders. In 4 minutes I explain why.

1. You are NOT a Democratic Socialist. You are much more evil.
              A. You are a closet Marxist Communist, with long and deep ties and now to radical Islamic terror.
              B. Socialism/Communism always leads to murder and torture,
Castro tortured and murdered his citizens, and did not improve their lives.
Communist Russia and China killed 100,000,000 of their own citizens.
 Nikki Haley “More than 1.5 billion people still suffer under socialist regimes. Socialism is the dangerous proposition that government should control more of your life, including your property, your money and even your religion. From North Korea to China to Venezuela, socialism results in hunger, poverty and misery. It destroys communities, represses religion and crushes freedom…
           c. Let’s Pretend you are a Democratic Socialist. That does not work either!!  The Scandinavians are, in fact, moving to PRIVATIZE health insurance.  The Scandinavian nations are capitalist, not socialist.
2. Trumponomics work!!!!  Bernieonomics will destroy us. The working man in the US is THRIVING under Trumpenomics, and will suffer huge tax increases under Bernieonomics.

Money does not grow on trees, contrary to where you must think it comes from to pay for your $60 TRILLION program pledges.
3. The Israeli government is NOT RACIST. It is the only NON-RACIST Nation in the Middle East. Freedom House ranked Israel as the only Free country in the Middle East and North Africa. The analysis measured the legal environment in which media operates, political rights, access to information, and dissemination of news.
4. Bernie LOSES: Florida because of Castro remark. Loses Pennsylvania because opposes fracking. Loses the working man once they hear of huge tax hikes and losing their private insurance.  Loses gun owners. Loses many more Jews because of racism attack on the Israeli government. Loses the 55% opposed to socialism, including our immigrants who lived through its nightmare.  Loses the entire GOP.  But don’t assume anything. Work hard.

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