March 16
Americans. Is this who you want to run your country?
Biden’s handlers have to keep him to 7 minute stump speeches and away from any questions, for fear his real self will emerge. Besides what looks like to be: clear degenerative dementia, pathetic history of gaffes, being wrong on every major foreign policy issue for 40 years, bizarre perverted touching of little girls and married women in public, an obvious corruption enriching his family, plagiarizing, constantly lying about his background (was bottom half of his mediocre Law School class), out-of-control temper, and threatened Israel PM Menachem Begin with withholding aid to Israel, Americans should ask themselves one question about Biden. If he knows to FIX America, why didn’t tell Obama during the 8 years he was his VP?
Watch video 4 minutes on why electing Joe Biden would be a catastrophic mistake.
Watch video 4 minutes on why electing Joe Biden would be a catastrophic mistake.
March 15.
Biden would be a disaster for Israel. Like Bernie, he's assembling an anti-Israel, jew-hating team of advisers..
March 13
Today's campaign lesson. Trump has done a much better job than Obama did during the medical disaster of the swine flu. Biden was VP then, responsible for the response, and obviously exhibited incompetent response. Everyone knows that if Hillary was President right now, she and Bill would be trying to figure out how to steal the money they could get from Congress to help battle this virus. When Trump ruled to stop flights from China in January, the Democrats called it racist and xenophobic. Democrats resist any travel restrictions and keeping our borders secure, endangering us now. Of course Trump was right. You cannot let Democrats have power. they are either too stupid or too drunk for power and could care less about any of us. Then there is Rush's view
March 12
Thursday's lesson.
Just think about how disgusting the basic Democratic goals are for 2020 and beyond. This is what we have to fight so hard to prevent.
Just think about how disgusting the basic Democratic goals are for 2020 and beyond. This is what we have to fight so hard to prevent.
March 9
Trump is not a racist. Vicious lie. The Democrats have been racists their entire history..
Amazing video. Long but shows the adoration of Black leaders for Trump.
"It all sounds terribly grim. Except, well, the U.S. economy has been expanding for a decade, the jobless rate is 3.5%, and incomes are now rising faster for low-income workers than for their bosses. That includes a 5.9% annual increase for the bottom tenth of workers during the Trump Presidency, more than double the rate in President Obama’s second term. The bottom half of households have seen their net worth increase by 47% since the 2016 election, according to a report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers.
“By stressing growth, Trump has done more to reduce income inequality than did the Obama/Pelosi policies that stressed inequality over growth.” WSJ
March 7
We do not know how the Virus will impact the economy. But we sure want the guy who gave us this good economy to manage the fallout, rather than any Democrat, who will do the OPPOSITE of what is needed. By doing the OPPOSITE of Obama’s massive new regulations and high tax rates, Trump has given us economic boom. Every Dem candidate says the economy is not working for the average guy. Except it is a LIE.
WSJournal editorial"It all sounds terribly grim. Except, well, the U.S. economy has been expanding for a decade, the jobless rate is 3.5%, and incomes are now rising faster for low-income workers than for their bosses. That includes a 5.9% annual increase for the bottom tenth of workers during the Trump Presidency, more than double the rate in President Obama’s second term. The bottom half of households have seen their net worth increase by 47% since the 2016 election, according to a report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers.
“By stressing growth, Trump has done more to reduce income inequality than did the Obama/Pelosi policies that stressed inequality over growth.” WSJ
March 6
Responses to the lying and absurd attacks on Trump.…
Refuting ridiculous anti Trump allegations
Attacks on Trump
Refuting the ridiculous anti Trump accusations
More points
1. He is abusive to women
a. He is an imperfect messenger, but his policies have HELPED 180,000,000 million US females. 1. 60 year low unemployment. 2. Protection from sex trafficking by making sure children crossing southern borders are with their parents and not sex traffickers. Democrats want open borders and to abolish ICE, protecting our immigration laws. 3. Protecting families by fighting MS-13 gangs, flooding in from our southern border. 4. Growing wages mean more food on the tables for our families.
b. Democrats are far worse. Clinton raped women and abused Jewish intern. Ted Kennedy left his mistress to drown. Bloomberg has many women sign non-disclosure agreements over his abuse. Biden can’t keep his hands off little girls and other mens’wives. Etc.
c. The allegations vs Trump are unproven. There is evidence many were paid to lie about him.
2. He lies.
a. About what exactly?
b. Unlike every other politician, he fulfills his promises he made campaigning.
c. Obama lied every time he opened his mouth. Pocahontas lies every time she opens her mouth. Bernie hides his deep communist ties.
3. He is Hitler. Really? He killed 6 million Jews? There has never been a more pro-Jewish president. 0 evidence of that in his 3 years. Bernie’s top aids caught on video affirming they want to put conservatives in reeducation camps they call GULAGS. Sanders aids want us in gulags. Sanders Campaign Organizer: Free Education, Gulags Needed To "Re-Educate" You To Not Be A "F*cking Nazi"
4. Charlottsville is a LIE. Democrats call Trump "Hitler". That slanderous lie is not only nonsense, it's 180 degrees wrong. The Democrats are much more Nazi like in policy plans. Learn why here.
5. Totalitarian buffoon. Trump has presided over one of the greatest four-year periods of any president by any objective measure. He has shown no indications of totalitarianism. All of the totalitarian threats come from the Democrats in shouting down conservatives, trying to stage crew after coup against an elected president and trying to shut down free speech. In order to make the case that Trump is a great danger if re-elected, you have to convince yourself that after four years of showing no indication of that, and presiding over one of the greatest for your periods of prosperity for America, with the most benefit going to the lower and middle classes, that will radically change in the next 4 years. The vast vast majority of Americans will never buy that malarkey.
6. He failed in many businesses? Do you have 4 billion dollars in your bank accunt?
7. He made fun of a disabled man. LIE. He mocks everyone with the same gestures. See the video. and
1. Racist? A. Never once in 30 years of business did anyone say that. B. The Dems say that about every GOP candidate. C. Democratic leadership have always been, and are racists. It's not Trump who is a racist, but rather 200 years of Democratic racism.
D. Just bappointed Black as top military general etc.
9. He left kids in cages: a. Obama started it. B. Necessary to prevent sex trafficking. 30% of the kids coming in are with sex traffickers, not their parents.
10. The Russians are working for Trump’s reelection. There is NOTHING to this story that Russians are helping Trump win 2020. There is no intelligence to support it. Rather, they are helping Bernie.
11. The great economy is not because of Obama. It is all Trump.
12. Trump has not made air and water worse
13.Trump is respected around the globe, not hated, except by our enemies.. Did you see his visit to INDIA?
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