Why electing Joe Biden
would be a catastrophic mistake. https://www.facebook.com/JonathanGinsb/videos/10157777384525837/ Joe Biden is a 1. Pervert. 2. Liar. 3. Senile 4. Flip flopper
extraordinaire 5. Plagiarizer 6. Wrong
on every foreign policy issue for 40 years 7. Advocated aid cutoff for Israel
while in Senate 8. More radically liberal even than Hillary 9. Uncontrollable
temper which often happens with dementia 10. Biden is claiming he’s continuing Obama/Biden
policies. Then he has to OWN Obama/Biden worst ever presidential record and
defend it vs Trump’s record great achievements. 11. Threatened to withhold aid to Israel.
Why electing Joe Biden would be a catastrophic mistake Joe Biden is a 1. Pervert. 2. Liar. 3. Senile 4. Flip flopper extraordinaire 5. Plagiarizer 6. Wrong on every foreign policy issue for 40 years 7. Advocated aid cutoff for Israel while in Senate 8. More radically liberal even than Hillary 9. Biden is claiming he’s continuing Obama/Biden policies. Then he has to OWN Obama/Biden worst ever presidency record and defend it vs Trump’s record great achievements.my Facebook page which documents everything I'm saying about Biden. https://www.facebook.com/Creepy-gaffes-ALT-LEFT-idiot-Thats-Joe-Biden-235355983565209/
Details of links
you’d vote to put Joe Biden in charge of our economy and armed forces?
Senile and demented:
Not mentally fit
Thought he was running for Senate
Thought half the country was killed by gun violence last year
Couldn’t remember opening words
of declaration of independence
Lies about being arrested in South Africa
Lies about being a professor
Had to give us past campaign
because he is a plagiarizer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmuAB5MqP0Y
Gaffe machine that are often racist http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1846619,00.html and http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1895156_1894977_1895081,00.html
Flip flop on every issue: crime bill, abortion, immigration,
gun, https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-biden-flip-flopping-key-policy-issues-2019-6
Wrong on every single foreign policy issue over 40 years https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2012/04/26/krauthammer_biden_holds_american_record_for_wrong_on_the_most_issues_in_foreign_affairs_ever.html
Corrupt. Used public service to enrich 5 members of his family https://www.blabber.buzz/conservative-news/751744-how-five-members-of-joe-bidens-family-got-rich-through-his-connections?
a, Iran
b. Ukraine many corrupt deals
c. China many corrupt deals
9. His policies are far more LIBERAL even than Hillary https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/campaigns/article234890482.html
For all the evidence. see https://www.facebook.com/Creepy-gaffes-ALT-LEFT-idiot-Thats-Joe-Biden-235355983565209/
Biden says he’s Obama/Biden continuation.
How Obama/Biden and Trump stack up.
Obama/Biden record weakening of our military vs Trump rebuilds it
to full strength
Obama/Biden record poverty and millions more dependent on food
stamps vs trump massive reduction in poverty and food stamp enrollment and
record low unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics and Asians
Obama/Biden worst ever recovery from recession and worst ever
economic growth over 8 years vs Trump roaring economy
Obama/Biden massive record business killing regulations and high
taxes kill growth vs Trump record deregulation and significant tax reduction
Obama/Biden did nothing vs Isis vs Trump destroys Isis caliphate
in weeks
Obama/Biden appeases Iran, making odious Iran deal vs trump nixes
deal and levies toughest sanction ever
Obama/Biden worst ever with Israel. Most anti semitic act in world
in 2-016 vs Trump: capital moved, golan recognized, No more “occupation”
language, Israel defended in UN
Obama/Biden forced people to take Obamacare vs trump ends
Obama /Biden race riots stopped under Trump
Obama /Biden uncontrolled flooding of illegals on southern border
vs trump stops 80% of it
Obama /Biden fought gas exploration and fracking vs Trump so much
now that we are oil exporters and energy independent
Watch video 4 minutes on why electing Joe Biden would be a catastrophic mistake. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157777387475837&id=678430836
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