Why Judaism is pro GOP Values and incompatible with Democratic Party

Judaism and the current Democratic Party are incompatible
1.       Democratic Party embraces Islamic terrorism. They are SOFTY on our adversaries and enemies. “In every generation arises forces who seek to destroy  us.”
2.       Judaism is for small government.
3.       Judaism is for private property rights and anti-government control.
4.       Judaism is not for killing babies born alive after botched abortions
5.       Judaism has suffered under the tyrants Bernie embraces.
6.       Judaism eschews dependency. Not encourages it.

7.       Jews have always thrived in capitalistic nations, and suffered in socialist ones.
J     Jews hurt by socialism

Why do Orthodox, Israeli/American, Russian American Jews support Trump in such huge %? What does Judaism teach?  A few of the many reasons.

1.    ISRAEL and Anti-Semitism :Trump Best ever Potus on Israel
a.    Question. when Bernie Sanders, during the last debate, repeated his assertion that Netanyahu is a racist, and has said the entire Israeli government is racist, DID ANY OF THE OTHER Democratic candidates for president say "no Bernie you're wrong?  Trump: Jerusalem capital b. Nix Iran deal and levy record sanctions c. Recognize Golan d. No appease Palestinians or shower them with money e. Record aid packages f. State dept. stops referring to Judea/Samaria as “occupied territory”, mitigating Obama’s “Most anti Semitic act in the world” in 2016 with UN abstention on Jerusalem as he was walking out the door of his presidency. G. Obvious affinity between Bibi and Trump. H. Leading Dem candidate, Bernie, calls the entire Israeli government “racist. Democratic party is clearly moving to anti Israel beliefs. “booed Jerusalem from floor of 2012 DNC convention. I. Bibi suggested Monday that Trump ok with Israel annexing Judea/Samaria if done in “one step”.
2.  Judaism is for SMALL government.
     a. Pirke Avot 2: 3. Be careful with the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs. They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them, but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress.
       And “Pray for the government/Malkhut, for without the fear it inspires,we would eat each other alive.” Purpose of government is to protect individual rights.
     b. Massive drop in poverty and dependency for food stamps and welfare, is the goal of Jewish poverty efforts. . Maimonides: it is better to take any job than be dependent on others. Laws of Gifts to the Poor" 10:18)   Record low unemployment for minorities, and 50+ year record lows for women, youth, disabled.   Maimonides highest form of tzedakah is getting someone a job. Based on Yad, Matanot Ani'im 
3.   ANTI Identity politics: Judge people on character, not identity politics. Principle of Adam Yachid: the Torah begins with one man, to teach that none of us should say “My father is better than your father.” Sanhedrin 4:5 The Democrats focus on identity politics is anti-Jewish.  People should be favored NOT based on sexual, gender, race identity
4.    High taxes are a disincentive for productivity and therefore anti-growth. Maximum tax rate is tithing, every few years. 10%.  Laws in Torah seeming to restricting loans and business were explained in Mishnah in the form of legal tools of heter iska and prosbul, which encouraged, rather than discouraged, business. Jews have always thrived under capitalism, suffered under socialism/communism. Israel experimented with socialism and it failed.
5.   Confronting evil: Israeli and Russian immigrants know that real evil exists and see how the Dems appease it, and Trump confronts it. Jews have always thrived under capitalism. Jews have always suffered under socialism. Capitalism is the only system that lifts people out of poverty and raises the living standards for everyone. Socialism makes everyone poor and often leads to tyranny and mass murder.
6.  Judaism is not for abortions at any time, for any reason. Killing fetus limited in Mishnah to saving life of mother, and until Majority of torso emerges. NOT as so many in Democratic party advocate, letting baby die even after born alive after botched abortion. In 17th century it was expanded to mental health life threat to mother as well.
7.   Judaism opposes slander, defamation. Calling Trump “Hitler”. Calling his voters “deplorables”.
We should judge people charitably until they show evidence they should be treated harshly.
“If you act merciful when you should act cruelly, you will act cruelly when you should be merciful”
8    Climate change and environment. : While our job is to tend and guard the Garden of Eden” Genesis 2:15, and also the Torah gives us right to kivshuhah / After creating Adam and Eve, G-d blesses them, saying “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.”  There is NO scientific consensus on a. whether the climate is changing rapidly because of our activity b. How much comes from the USA vs China, India etc. c. Whether existing advances in technology will take care of the problem d. is it worth letting the radical left control our whole economy because of this?

Why those advocating open borders and benefits for illegal immigrants  I hear rabbis saying the Bible says love the stranger, so we need open borders. Here's why they're wrong
1. Our country is the most generous country in the world for legal immigration. Every country has a right to determine who comes in. If we want more immigrants, we can increase the LEGAL number.
2. There are people trying to enter the United States who are dangerous and up to no good. Terrorists, drug peddlers, sex traffickers, gang members, criminals. Children must be checked at border to make sure they are not being trafficked.
3. The Torah is a book of laws. 613 commandments. It is not a book of lawlessness. one of the fundamental principles of Judaism and how to get along in a civil society is called Dina dimalchuta Dina. Which means the civil law of the land is the law and Jews must obey it. Advocating lawlessness is a violation of Judaism.
4. Providing benefits and encouragement for people to violate the laws of our nation, is disrespectful to our law-abiding citizens and doubly disrespectful to the immigrants who came in legally.
5. We do not have room for everyone in the world. Citizen should stay in their countries and work to model their countries after our free enterprise democracy. instead our Democratic candidates for president are trying to turn us into the failed socialist Nations from which the illegal immigrants are trying to escape.
6. Who should have priority? Those who desperately need asylum from tyrants, and people with skills needed here.

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