US Democrats want to elect a man who has consistently undermined Israel, despite his claims to the contrary. Though not quite as bad as Obama or Carter, he is no Trump (best pro-Israel POTUS ever by far.)
1. Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous Iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2. While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3. Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants a unified platform. How do you unify platform with anti-Semite Bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4. Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5. Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6. Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7. Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim groups
8. Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9. Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administration says they do not.
10. Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11. 11. Biden supported Obama’s UNSC resolution declaring much of Jerusalem ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED, including the Western Wall!!
12. VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.
Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against the resumption of the program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has its back
6. Says only 20,000 Palestinian refugees, not millions…/…
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and the first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...OOn
Biden’s dangerously anti-ISRAEL views. While better than Obama, AND CARTER, HE IS STILL still a huge CONCERN.
1. Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2. While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3. Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants unified platform. How to you unify platform with anti-Semite bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4. Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5. Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6. Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7. Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim goups
8. Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9. Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administartion’ss says they do not.
10. Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11. VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.
1. Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous Iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2. While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3. Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants a unified platform. How do you unify platform with anti-Semite Bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4. Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5. Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6. Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7. Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim groups
8. Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9. Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administration says they do not.
10. Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11. 11. Biden supported Obama’s UNSC resolution declaring much of Jerusalem ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED, including the Western Wall!!
12. VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.
Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against the resumption of the program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has its back
6. Says only 20,000 Palestinian refugees, not millions…/…
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and the first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...OOn
Biden’s dangerously anti-ISRAEL views. While better than Obama, AND CARTER, HE IS STILL still a huge CONCERN.
A Biden Presidency Could Be Bad for Israel
by Jerold Auerbach

Democratic US presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign stop in Los Angeles, California, US, March 4, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Mike Blake.
Amid the hovering coronavirus danger, it might be a useful distraction to remember the past and anticipate the future.
In the upcoming presidential election, incumbent Donald Trump and prospective Democratic nominee Joe Biden are likely to battle against each other. Health concerns momentarily aside, and with optimism that there actually is a future both for the United States and Israel, it could be helpful to consider their sharply contrasting positions on the Jewish state.
President Trump is, in brief, the most pro-Israel president since Harry S. Truman.
Overriding the vigorous opposition of State Department officials, Truman recognized the Jewish state eleven minutes after Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion proclaimed its birth at midnight on May 14, 1948. There have been no such dramatic and consequential proclamations by President Trump, nor could there be. But his relocation of the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights were stunning changes in decades of American policy. His plan to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, Jewish settlements in biblical Judea and Samaria and a swath of adjacent territory formerly known as Jordan’s West Bank would, if fulfilled, be momentous and transformative.

APRIL 17, 2020 10:16 AM
Enter Biden, by now virtually assured of the Democratic party nomination. He could, if elected, easily erase the substantial benefits to Israel of Trump’s policy and return to the previous status quo. Whether he would do so is too far down the path of unpredictably to know. But it is not too soon to hazard an informed guess, based on Biden’s past positions toward Israel, preceding and especially during his tenure as Barack Obama’s vice president.
Biden has repeatedly proclaimed his strong support for Israel. But nearly forty years ago, during a Senate Foreign Relations hearing, he warned Prime Minister Menachem Begin that if Israel continued to establish new settlements American aid might be terminated. An infuriated Begin sharply responded: “Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats.”
By 2008, Biden proudly claimed that his support for Israel “begins in my stomach, goes to my heart and ends up in my head.” Indeed, he referred to Israel as his second home. He would not have joined Obama as vice president “if I had any doubt, even the slightest doubt, that he shares the same commitment to Israel I share.” When that proved false Biden loyally embraced his leader’s repeated chastisement of Israel, claiming that “no nation, including Israel, is immune from legitimate criticism.”
More recently, at the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference, Biden insisted that the “Israel’s government’s steady and systematic process of expanding settlements, legalizing outposts and seizing land is eroding . . . the prospect of a two-state solution.” Shortly after a Palestinian terrorist bus bombing in Jerusalem, Biden told a J Street gathering that the Netanyahu government’s “steady and systematic expansion of settlements” were “moving Israel in the wrong direction.”
Last November, on “PBS NewsHour,” Biden told Judy Woodruff that while he would not reverse President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, “I wouldn’t have done it.” A month later he insisted that Israeli leaders “must recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian aspirations for statehood,” adding, “It’s not possible to have a Jewish state in the Middle East without having a two-state solution” — as though Israel’s existence for the previous seven decades had not happened.
In a recent campaign stop, Biden imaginatively reminisced: “I’m so proud of the Obama-Biden administration’s unprecedented support for Israel’s security.” In a strong expression of moral equivalence he declared: “Palestinians need to eradicate incitement on the West Bank” and Israel “has to stop the threats of annexation and settlement activity.” Such words and deeds “are taking Israel further from its democratic values.” Biden pledged: “I will insist on Israel, which I’ve done, to stop the occupation of those territories, period.”
To be sure, Biden has often spoken kindly, and reassuringly, about Israel. But Biden was a loyal follower of Obama, who headed the most hostile administration toward Israel since its birth. Their insistence that Israel return to its pre-1967 boundaries, if implemented in a Biden presidency, would be catastrophic for Israel.
Could a Biden presidency be good for Israel? Unlikely.
Jerold S. Auerbach is the author of ‘Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel 1896-2016.’
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