Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump so far on Israel: MOST PRO ISRAEL POTUS EVER

 When Bernie Sanders slandered the prime minister of Israel and the Israeli government with the charge of racism during the last debate, did any of the candidates object? You claim your pro-israel, you take the time and money to attend a pro-israel lobby convention, and you still maintain the fiction that that party cares about Israel, when none of their candidates will publicly refute a Jewish communist, who's the leading candidate for president, who slanders the Prime Minister and government of Israel?

Trump so far on Israel; MOST PRO ISRAEL POTUS EVER
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against resumption of program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has their back
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. president Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...
11. Appoints one pro Israel staffer to top diplomatic and National Security posts after another vs Obama hiring Samantha Powers and Susan Rice and many Dem candidates have ANTI ISRAEL top aids.

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