Sunday, November 29, 2020

Fraud fraud fraud

 Want more examples of massive Biden vote fraud?

-Dominion Exec Eric Coomer — ‘Don’t worry, Trump’s not gonna win, I made F-ing sure of that!’
‘It doesn’t take a high level of sophistication to hack Dominion Systems’…
-‘Different paper used for counterfeit ballots in Georgia’…
-Massive voter fraud discovered in Nevada… 13,000+ new registrants without sex or birthday…
-5 More Ways Cheaty Joe Magically Outperformed Election History…
‘-Democrats call upon President Trump to be a good sport when they just tried to steal his election’…
-John Solomon — ‘Election worker was instructed to falsify thousands of absentee ballots in Detroit’…--
-We have pictures of check stubs to pay for ballot harvesting’…
-Chanel Rion — Data group finds ‘overwhelming’ mail-in ballot fraud… Matt Braynard — We have enough evidence to flip multiple states…
-Michigan Absentee Votes ‘Manipulated By Computer
-Analysis — How many dead people voted in Pennsylvania?
-Democrat poll inspector testifies for Trump
-‘All 900 military ballots in Fulton county supposedly were 100% for Joe Biden
-Analysis — How many dead people voted in Pennsylvania?
-President Trump Will Concede if Electoral College Certifies for Biden — But ‘Shocking’ Things Coming Next Two Weeks . . .
. . . ‘Facts are on Our Side’
-Gen Mackanerny: PA sent out 1.8 million mail-in?ballots. They counted 2.5 million. Fraud anyone? Democrats just ooze cheating everywhere.
LORD MARK MALLOCH-BROWN is seen here dodging reporter's questions over voting fraud concerns from these machines in Phillippines in 2015 & 2016

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Ask anyone planning to vote for Biden what their view is on the following issues Do you admit that

 Ask anyone planning to vote for Biden what their view is on the following issues

Do you admit that

1.    Biden has dementia?
2. That he is corrupt?
3.  That he is perverted?
4. That he begged Obama not to go after bin Laden?
5. That he called trump ending travel from infected China "racist and xenophobic" and he also oppose stopping travel from infected Europe?
6. Very finished in the bottom half of his class in every educational endeavor?
7. lied about being a professor when he left the White House ?
8. That he continually makes racist comments?
9. That he has a very bad temper and often says vulgar and offensive things to people with whom he disagrees?
10. threatened the Prime Minister of Israel to cut off US aid
11. That he has pledged to go back to the very dangerous Obama iran deal
12. That he was vice president when Obama committed the most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016?
13. That he was vice president when Obama Biden had the worst economic growth ever over 8 years of any administration?
14. That he was vice president when Obama Biden had the worst recovery ever from any recession in us history?
15. That he was vice president when Obama Biden achieved record poverty in the country ?
16. That he was vice president when black lives matter organization and antifa 1st appeared here?

17. That he has pledged to appoint AOC to head environmental policy and implement the Green New Deal, at a cost of $40 trillion

18. That he has pledged to appoint Beto (I want to confiscate guns) Orourke to head gun policy

19. He will appoint leftists to the Supreme Court when given the chance. GThe right o bear arms was upheld only 5-4. One more leftist judges means NO right to gun ownership

20. He has pledged to REVERSE Trump tax cuts, thereby ipso-facto raising taxes on the middle class

21. Had to drop out before when running for president for plagiarizing

22. Been wrong on “every foreign policy issue for 40 years” (Robert Gates quote)

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

If you vote Democratic, you are an imbecile, moron, fool. If not these, then just evil.

If you vote Democratic, you are an imbecile, moron, fool. If not these, then just evil.
It is obvious that Democratic politicians do not care about Black lives or any of our lives. Murder and criminal activity rates rising rapidly in Dem controlled cities. Statues being torn down, (now aiming for statues of the "racist white Jesus "statues). looting, arson, mayhem unchecked and even encouraged. Thugs have taken over a piece of Seattle and trying to do it in DC. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer-not one word of reproach to any of these. Police are resigning in frustration, as the "defund the police".movements grow. The complicit media laser focuses on the size of the Trump rally or a word he used, instead of incompetent and worse leadership of Democrats. Open anti-Semitism from these thugs is ignored, by liberal Jewish organizations too. Biden, who threatened an Israeli Prime Minister, has borrowed the worst of Obama's Israel hating foreign policy team. Biden has done nothing worthwhile in 51 years in politics, except been wrong on every issue and now has dementia.
Led by Obama and Hillary, they tried a coup with phony Russian collusion, then phony impeachment, then scoffed when Trump saved millions from the virus by stopping travel from infected Chinese. Dems did all they could to tank the world's best economy. Now they encourage this mayhem and murder. All for power. Their ideas will turn us into a lawless Venezuela. It is happening before our eyes.
Biden has PLEDGED that AOC will implement her economy destroying "Green New Deal" and pledged that Beto will be "in charge of guns" (Beto wants to confiscate them). If Dems win the presidency and senate and then pack the Supreme Court, as they undoubtedly will, this is all a real possibility.
We'll know Nov. 4 just how many of our neighbors are idiots.
Read on if u want a more complete list of the disasters that await.
The stakes in this election: This is what the Dem Party of 2020 stands for: (all of these are well documented, not just opinions)
Make Puerto Rico and DC states, adding 4 more dem Senators, guaranteeing Dem Majority.
Pack Supreme Court with radical leftists
No police, unlimited looting of businesses
Open borders, unlimited illegal immigration (especially from Central and South America)
Elimination of ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement)
Increased taxes, especially on the wealthy and corporations. Wealth confiscation.
Increase in minimum wage to at least $15/hour
No growth economy (record under 3% gdp growth each year under Obama)
Medicare (national health care) for all, kill private health insurance
More jobs go to China, especially manufacturing
Reliance on China for pharmaceuticals and PPE
No accountability on China for stealing intellectual property
Decrease freedoms (can go to Walmart, but not to church)
Guaranteed minimum monthly income
Reduce military spending
Limit free speech, especially on campuses
Removal of professors from state campuses based on their political beliefs
Eliminate the electoral college. with Constitutional amendment. Popular vote is all that matters
Laws from mayors, governors not elected officials
Confiscate guns
No school choice or vouchers
Support public service unions that demand unreasonable pensions
Not adequately fund pensions in Dem controlled states
Disrespect our flag
More racial division and animosity
Support sanctuary cities that do not enforce U.S. immigration laws
Restrictions on journalists
Late-term abortions, up to the minutes before the birth of a viable infant
Men are guilty of sexual harassment without a trial, unless they are a pro-abortion presidential candidate
Support of Palestinian extremists to boycott the democratic, pro-American government of Israel
Free public college for all
Forgiveness of all school debt
Universal child care
Reparations to this generation of African Americans for the past sins of slavery
More environmental regulations
Less governmental accountability and transparency
Green new deal – 10 year plan – no cars, no planes, all buildings rebuilt. $40 trillion
No fossil fuels – achieve 100% renewable energy. (Cow farts?)
Carbon tax and Paris climate agreement
Ban fracking and offshore drilling
Climate change is a national emergency
Support for Maduro in Venezuela and Castro in Cuba
FBI, CIA, DOJ and IRS involved in investigating political rivals
Rewrite history (for example, we really did not have to drop the atom bomb on Japan)
Increase national debt
Increased poverty, unemployment and food stamps
Autonomous no police zones in large cities
Expand the number of justices on Supreme Court to achieve a liberal majority
Lower the voting age to 16
No requirement to prove citizenship to vote
Mail-in voting without restrictions
Move U.S. embassy back to Tel Aviv from the Jerusalem, the capital of Israel
Continued multi-billion dollar aid to Palestinian organizations that will not renounce terrorism and funds families of terrorists
Endorsement of hate preachers, such as Farrakhan and Sharpton
Let males that identify as female into high school girl locker rooms and participate on girl’s teams
Removal of church/state boundary and increased secularism
Removal of monuments for national leaders that owned slaves, such as Washington and Jefferson

Thursday, June 18, 2020

BLM is based on 3 lies:

BLM is based on 3 lies: They falsely claim 1. there is systemic racism in the country and 2. the police are racists. 3. Democrats will help us more. 4. In addition, their values and goals will be detrimental to Blacks, not help them.  5.They are anti-Semitic and affiliated with Islamic terror groups.
1.       There is NO systemic racism in the country. and   The fact that there are so many middle class and wealthy Blacks proves the "systemic racism" charge is a lie. Today more than 30 percent of black men and nearly 60 percent of black women hold white-collar jobs. 60 and 2.2.In 1940, 60 percent of employed black women worked as domestic servants; today the number is down to 2.2 percent, while 60 percent hold white- collar jobs. 44 and 1. In 1958, 44 percent of whites said they would move if a black family became their next door neighbor; today, the figure is 1 percent. 18 and 86. In 1964, the year the great Civil Rights Act was passed, only 18 percent of whites claimed to have a friend who was black; today 86 percent say they do, while 87 percent of blacks assert they have white friends. Does this look like "systemic racism" to you?

2.       There is no police brutality towards Backs. studies show clearly there is no police bias even though the Floyd death was inexcusable), at the same time as blacks take responsibility for their futures. see

3.       For those Democratic inclined voters who claim to be concerned about race relations, ask yourselves why things got so much worse during the 8 years of Obama Biden. Could it be because Obama Biden purposely wanted it to get worse? Why did Obama have the race-baiter, Al Sharpton, at the oval office almost 100 times? Why is Obama pictured smiling with Farrakhan? Would you take a picture with that rabid anti-Semite? Have the Democrats done anything positive for Blacks over the past 50 years? Can't you see that the Democrats can only win if Blacks feel like they are mistreated? Is it a coincidence that all of this racial tension arose when the democrats thought they were losing some of the black vote to Trump and Biden made that ridiculous statement about if you don't vote for me you're not black? It's Trump that did criminal Justice reform, started enterprise zones, Yesterday significant police reform, Is pushing for school choice options for the inner city etc. Vote trump if you really care about the blacks getting a better opportunity And really making significant reform on possible discrimination.
4.       The values and goals of BLM will hurt Blacks.
b.        THE BLM/liberal focus on the non-existent "systemic racism" hurts blacks, not helps them. Many Blacks have achieved middle class and upper-class status. The road to this is simple. Graduate high school. Get as much education as you can. Do not commit crimes. Stay off drugs. Do not have a baby until you're married. Stop killing each other. Don't resist the police when stopped.
c.        BLM and the left’s anatgomnism to the family hurts Blacks. see
d.       This is how every ethnic group has done it.
e.       Reparations and welfare dependency HURT blacks sense of self worth, dignity, and long term success.

5.       Anti semitic and affiliated with Islamic terror groups

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Biden’s stated plan to weaken America:

Biden’s stated plan to weaken America:
1. Keeping us Unsafe
a. Pledges to appt. Beto O’Rourke gun czar, whose stated goal is to confiscate our guns.
b. Dem. move across country to defund police
c. Dem. Pols across country releasing felons from prison
d. Dems push to abolish I.C.E. border agents and have open borders, letting in sex traffickers, MS-13 gangs members, drug pushers, Islamic terrorists
e. Biden praised ANTIFA terrorist group April, 25, 2019 whose stated goal is anarchy and bringing down America
f. Soft on terrorism-begged Obama NOT to go after bin Laden
2. Making us POOR
a. Pledges massive tax increases
b. Was VP to Obama/Biden WORST EVER economic growth over 8 years, worst EVER recovery from recession, worst ever poverty.
c. Pledges to make AOC energy czar to implement New GREEN DEAL, which will destroy the economy. Her disgraced former chief-of-staff admitted the goal was not energy, but takeover of the economy,
3. Foreign policy:
a. he’s been on the wrong side of every issue for 40 years…/bob-gates-slams-biden-as-be…
4. Biden’s long history of racist policies have hurt Blacks for 40 years…/joe-biden-record-on-busing-incarceratio…
5. He exhibits signs of advancing dementia, is a gaffe machine, often makes belligerent comments, racist comments, publicly fondles young girls and other females

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Has Joe Biden ever been right on a foreign policy issue?

Has Joe Biden ever been right on a foreign policy issue?

About five years ago, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates reached what was then considered a startling conclusion: Joe Biden, who was at that point the vice president, had been wrong about “nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.”
On Afghanistan, Iraq, the killing of Osama bin Laden, and more, Biden’s influence proved disastrous, Gates alleged in his tell-allDuty. This was unsettling, in part because former President Barack Obama had selected Biden as his running mate partially because the longtime senator had what he lacked: foreign policy experience. To then hear from your defense secretary, who had stepped down from the Obama administration in 2011, that Biden’s role in the White House helped create a “category five shitstorm”? That surely struck a nerve.
Gates’s summation, however, has aged well. Biden’s foreign policy resume is full of errors that date back decades. In the 1980s, for instance, he opposed Ronald Reagan's military buildup and Strategic Defense Initiative that helped bring about the collapse of the Soviet Union and with it, the end of the Cold War. He has continued to blunder his way through international relations since Obama left office and President Trump stepped in.
On Trump’s recent decision to order the killing of Iranian terrorist in chief Qassem Soleimani, Biden concluded that Trump had allowed Iran to take the “driver’s seat” in the Middle East. This is not true. The situation in Iran is complex, and Soleimani’s death certainly exacerbated tensions between Iran and the United States, but the U.S. still has significantly more power and control over the circumstances than Iran.
Biden has also overstated his initial opposition to the Iraq War, a conflict he supported in 2002 when he voted to authorize President George W. Bush’s use of force against Iraq. On the campaign trail, Biden is saying he did so because Bush misrepresented his intentions to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, of which Biden was then the chairman. But Biden’s words in 2003 need no explanation: “I voted to go into Iraq, and I’d vote to do it again."
Biden’s vote of confidence in the Iraq War hurt his presidential bid in 2008, and as a result, he became much more cautious of military intervention. But Biden’s hesitance arguably hurt the situation in Iraq almost as much as the initial invasion. He failed to negotiate a long-term strategy with the Iraqis, and the lack of stability in the region allowed Islamic extremists to gain ground in both Iraq and Syria — a consequence the U.S. is still wrestling with.
Biden is hardly the only person to blame for the U.S.’s failed Iraq policy, nor should he be assigned complete responsibility. But his distrust of the military, which made up the crux of Gates’s complaint, affected much of Obama’s foreign policy. On the killing of bin Laden, thankfully, Obama ignored Biden's advice to reconsider the raid.
Biden seemed to trust drones more than military personnel. He openly advocated for a strategy he dubbed “counterterrorism-plus”: a combination of drone strikes and raids by special operations forces. This essentially became Obama’s approach to fighting terrorism in the Middle East. Obama ordered hundreds of drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and other countries, and we’ll never know exactly how many civilian lives they cost.
The Democratic presidential front-runner was also one of the first lawmakers to support the 1999 bombing of Serbia and call for the arming of Bosnian Muslims. My colleague Tiana Lowe has argued that the bombing violated international law because President Bill Clinton, joined by NATO, specifically targeted civilians and did so without the United Nations’ consent. The bombing also helped dissolve the pro-democracy movement within the region, pushing the Serbian people back into the arms of the country’s dictator.
Several other Democratic candidates have already pointed out Biden’s questionable foreign policy decisions, but he continues to make his diplomatic credentials a central part of his campaign pitch. The U.S. needs “respected, responsible, and dignified leadership” internationally, he said shortly after Soleimani’s death. And he’s right. But given his track record, Biden isn't in a position to provide it.

A Biden Presidency Could Be Bad for Israel

      US Democrats want to elect a man who has consistently undermined Israel, despite his claims to the contrary. Though not quite as bad as Obama or Carter, he is no Trump (best pro-Israel POTUS ever by far.)
1. Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous Iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2. While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3. Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants a unified platform. How do you unify platform with anti-Semite Bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4. Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5. Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6. Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7. Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim groups
8. Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9. Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administration says they do not.
10. Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11. 11. Biden supported Obama’s UNSC resolution declaring much of Jerusalem ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED, including the Western Wall!!
12. VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.
Trump so far on Israel;
1. Nixed Obama's catastrophic Iran deal. Warns Iran against the resumption of the program.…/trump-warns-iran-of-severe-cons…. 98% of Israeli leadership knows the Iran deal was genocidal for them and applaud Trump's nixing of Obama's (who is despised in Israel) perfidy. This is also supported by our traditional Arab allies, Saudis and Gulf States.
2. Recognizing Jerusalem as capital
3. Reversing State Dept. claiming Judea and Samaria are "occupied"
4. Got Taylor Force ACT, denying use of our tax dollars for Palestinians to
fund murderers of Jews.
5. Told Israel US has its back
6. Says only 20,000 Palestinian refugees, not millions…/…
7. Mitigated impact of Obama's "most anti-semitic act in the world in 2016. betrayed by Obama's most-anti-Semitic act in the world in 2016 (according to Simon Wiesenthal nazi Hunting org) when Obama abstained in UN resolution making much of Jerusalem illegally occupied territory. The impact of that odious Obama act has been mitigated and reversed by the Trump State Dept. no longer calling Judea/Samaria "occupied territory" and by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital.
8. largest aid package ever approved august 2018
9. Peace Plan supported by Bibi, and the first time ever Arab nations not taking the Palestinian side re flexibly.
10. The United States recognized the Golan Heights as part of Israel through a presidential proclamation signed by U.S. President Donald Trump on March 25, 2019 ...OOn

Biden’s dangerously anti-ISRAEL views. While better than Obama, AND CARTER, HE IS STILL still a huge CONCERN.
1.       Biden enthusiastically plans to return to Obama’s policy of appeasing Iran, by restoring the very dangerous iran deal that greenlights Iranian nuclear weapons soon.
2.       While VP to Obama, Obama made “most anti Semitic act in the world in 2016 and Biden said nothing.
3.       Biden assembling Obama’s Israel -hating foreign policy team. And to win over Bernie bros, he wants unified platform. How to you unify platform with anti-Semite bernie who called the Israeli government “racist”.
4.       Biden Said NOTHING when Bernie called Israeli government “racist” on debate stage and Aipac “bigoted”
5.       Warmly accepted endorsement from anti-Israel and Iranian and Soros funded JStreet
6.       Biden says he will REVERSE Trump recognizing Jerusalem as capital.
7.       Warmly accepted endorsement from terrorist associated Muslim goups
8.       Biden threatened Israeli Prime Minster with funding embargo when he was a Senator.
9.       Biden says Israeli communities in West Bank violate International law. Trump administartion’ss says they do not.
10.   Biden record on never being correct on a foreign policy issue.
11.   VS TRUMP’s BEST EVER record on Israel.

A Biden Presidency Could Be Bad for Israel

avatarby Jerold Auerbach


Democratic US presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden speaks during a campaign stop in Los Angeles, California, US, March 4, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Mike Blake.
Amid the hovering coronavirus danger, it might be a useful distraction to remember the past and anticipate the future.
In the upcoming presidential election, incumbent Donald Trump and prospective Democratic nominee Joe Biden are likely to battle against each other. Health concerns momentarily aside, and with optimism that there actually is a future both for the United States and Israel, it could be helpful to consider their sharply contrasting positions on the Jewish state.

President Trump is, in brief, the most pro-Israel president since Harry S. Truman.
Overriding the vigorous opposition of State Department officials, Truman recognized the Jewish state eleven minutes after Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion proclaimed its birth at midnight on May 14, 1948. There have been no such dramatic and consequential proclamations by President Trump, nor could there be. But his relocation of the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights were stunning changes in decades of American policy. His plan to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, Jewish settlements in biblical Judea and Samaria and a swath of adjacent territory formerly known as Jordan’s West Bank would, if fulfilled, be momentous and transformative.

APRIL 17, 2020 10:16 AM

Psychologist Group Considers Joining BDS Campaign

In yet another instance of a civil society institution in the US becoming infected with the virus of anti-Zionism, a...
Enter Biden, by now virtually assured of the Democratic party nomination. He could, if elected, easily erase the substantial benefits to Israel of Trump’s policy and return to the previous status quo. Whether he would do so is too far down the path of unpredictably to know. But it is not too soon to hazard an informed guess, based on Biden’s past positions toward Israel, preceding and especially during his tenure as Barack Obama’s vice president.
Biden has repeatedly proclaimed his strong support for Israel. But nearly forty years ago, during a Senate Foreign Relations hearing, he warned Prime Minister Menachem Begin that if Israel continued to establish new settlements American aid might be terminated. An infuriated Begin sharply responded: “Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats.”
By 2008, Biden proudly claimed that his support for Israel “begins in my stomach, goes to my heart and ends up in my head.” Indeed, he referred to Israel as his second home. He would not have joined Obama as vice president “if I had any doubt, even the slightest doubt, that he shares the same commitment to Israel I share.” When that proved false Biden loyally embraced his leader’s repeated chastisement of Israel, claiming that “no nation, including Israel, is immune from legitimate criticism.”
More recently, at the 2016 AIPAC Policy Conference, Biden insisted that the “Israel’s government’s steady and systematic process of expanding settlements, legalizing outposts and seizing land is eroding . . . the prospect of a two-state solution.” Shortly after a Palestinian terrorist bus bombing in Jerusalem, Biden told a J Street gathering that the Netanyahu government’s “steady and systematic expansion of settlements” were “moving Israel in the wrong direction.”
Last November, on “PBS NewsHour,” Biden told Judy Woodruff that while he would not reverse President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, “I wouldn’t have done it.” A month later he insisted that Israeli leaders “must recognize the legitimacy of Palestinian aspirations for statehood,” adding, “It’s not possible to have a Jewish state in the Middle East without having a two-state solution” — as though Israel’s existence for the previous seven decades had not happened.
In a recent campaign stop, Biden imaginatively reminisced: “I’m so proud of the Obama-Biden administration’s unprecedented support for Israel’s security.” In a strong expression of moral equivalence he declared: “Palestinians need to eradicate incitement on the West Bank” and Israel “has to stop the threats of annexation and settlement activity.” Such words and deeds “are taking Israel further from its democratic values.” Biden pledged: “I will insist on Israel, which I’ve done, to stop the occupation of those territories, period.”
To be sure, Biden has often spoken kindly, and reassuringly, about Israel. But Biden was a loyal follower of Obama, who headed the most hostile administration toward Israel since its birth. Their insistence that Israel return to its pre-1967 boundaries, if implemented in a Biden presidency, would be catastrophic for Israel.
Could a Biden presidency be good for Israel? Unlikely.
Jerold S. Auerbach is the author of ‘Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism and Israel 1896-2016.’

Fraud fraud fraud

  Want more examples of massive Biden vote fraud? -Dominion Exec Eric Coomer — ‘Don’t worry, Trump’s not gonna win, I made F-ing sure of tha...